Back to the gym? How to avoid DOMS
What is DOMS?
Muscle soreness, referred to as DOMS or 'Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness,' can be a common issue when individuals engage in unfamiliar exercises. This typically involves activities which are either new to us or we just haven't performed them in a while. A prime example of this is quite often our first gym session of the year.
Yep, we’ve over-indulged over the holiday period and realise we haven’t step foot in the gym for what seems an eternity.
Many people may remember quite vividly the discomfort experienced after their first workout following a few weeks of inactivity during the off-season. The following day, we often find our arms or legs are extremely sore, so much so, it makes both movement and daily activities painful and challenging.
Here are three considerations to help you avoid feeling the intense soreness of DOMS:
Foam roller
Studies indicate that spending around 20 minutes using a foam roller can decrease the severity of Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness. A foam roller is a cost-effective, straightforward, and readily available remedy for this purpose.
Sports massage
Relaxation and sleep are important factors in recovery. If you’re feeling more relaxed, you’re more likely to sleep better - which is where sports massage can really help.
A bad night of sleep due to throbbing or aching muscles is never pleasant, and with DOMS some of us may experience soreness for a couple of days, so having a sports massage may be just the ticket!
Nutrition is also a key component in supporting overall muscle health and recovery. It won’t completely eliminate DOMS but may help reduce the severity or the length of time you experience it.
Water is always important, as it helps transport nutrients to cells and remove waste products. Dehydration can exacerbate muscle soreness, so ensure you drink enough water throughout the day.
Consuming enough protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth, as it provides the necessary building blocks for repairing damaged muscle tissue.
Replenish the electrolytes lost through sweat during exercise. Electrolytes, such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium, play a role in muscle function. Foods like bananas, oranges, and leafy greens are good sources of electrolytes.
If you’re returning to the gym following a noticeable absence, you well be you need the right support, advice, education and coaching in order to achieve best practice and reduce your risk of injury.